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Strategy & Consulting May 20, 2014

Why Slow Loading Time Can Hurt Business

Writen by Taeyaar Support

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Many business owners spend a lot of money to develop a state-of-the-art website, only to find themselves not making any money. In essence, there are many different reasons why this happens, but one of them is slow loading time. Indeed a page that takes too much time to load can cause a negative impact on your business and this is what we will be analysing in this article.


One of the major problems that is associated with the slow loading time is, customer frustration. Very often a consumer will lose patience waiting for a page to load and may choose to click to another website. Indeed, competition on the internet is just a click away and it is important that you give proper consideration to your site loading time. Worst still is that, customers very often remember slow sites and will tend not to visit them again. You are not just losing a sale, but potentially a customer over a lifetime.

Search Rankings

There is a general consensus that Google now takes site loading time into account; when determining search engine rankings. Having a slow loading site can negatively adverse your rankings and it is important that you give yourself every chance, if you want to rank highly in the search engines.


Before finding the solution you will need to find out what is the reason for your site slow loading speed. There are plenty of causes and it might be important that you discover the issues affecting your site so as to take the necessary measures.

Poor Server And Hosting

One of the most common causes of slow loading speed is that you are using a poor server. As mentioned above a slow site can have repercussion on your bottom line and it is important that you choose the most appropriate host for your business site. Take some time to compare the different host that exist and visit forums where you can get reviews from actual users of the host so that you can make your choice.

Optimize Your Website

There are various online tools, that will allow you to benchmark your site against others. This will allow you to find out which area of your site, you will need to optimize. For instance, you might want to decrease the size of your files and images so that your users can witness to increasing the site loading speed.