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Strategy & Consulting May 21, 2014

How to write a brief for a website

Writen by Taeyaar Support

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If you want to get more knowledge about the website, you need to read this brief. After reading it, the chances which can be arises that you have been given the task for writing a brief for your new website or redesign of your old one. It’s not only defines the list of what you’ll need, but it’s certainly defined your thoughts from the starting point for developing the site.

For making it more manageable we have broken it into a number of stages for better understanding:-

The web design company first collect some information and know a bit about your company in order to get a feel about the company before design its website. The following points need to follow for better designing a website:-

  • A couple of paragraphs about the company.
  • The information about the products your sell or services you provide.
  • The size of the company.
  • Identify the nationality of the company means finding out the country of the company.
  • Identifying the longitivity and establishment of the company.



The old website

If you already have a website, firstly you need to know about the URL of the web design company. Then answer the following questions:

  • What are the positive things about the website?
  • What are the negative things about the website?
  • How long ago the website is built and who built it?
  • What is the traffic it currently receives?
  • What percentage of traffic gets from smart phones and tables?
  • In which web browsers and platforms, it can be flexible to access?
  • Who is updating the site on a regular basis?

In order to meet your requirements, all the design agencies need to know why your older website is not running properly.

The new website

Before designing a new website you need to examine what you need from the new website. So, a good starting point would be to consider the following:

  • Diagnosing the aims of the website.
  • Who is the target audience of the website?
  • What is the difference design need to be done for the old site?
  • How will your potential clients and customers accessing your site like their phones, tables or desktops?
  • Is the new website defining the old product or defining a new brand product launch?
  • The selling points for your company, depends on which part either your products or your services?
  • What is the aim of your industry website?
  • Is the market already saturated with competitors?
  • Find out the list of your website competitor’s.

For e-commerce websites, you should detail who you bank with – this will be important for deciding on which payment gateway you should use.

Before designing a new website identifying your budget is very important. Through budget, you will get better and more accurate quotes in response. If all of the agencies know what the budget is and are working to the same brief, you’re likely to get very similar quotes, which is good, right?

  • What is the budget for the design and development of the website?
  • What is the budget for ongoing support and maintenance?
  • What is the budget for online marketing budget for each month or for 6 months?
  • Find the website should be an extension of any offline media like advertising or branding.

Just give a few example sites that you like the colour schemes, navigation, or the interactive elements of the website.

The content of your new website

Find out the way, how you want to populate your new site. If you put your duplicate existing content in your new site, then in future, it creates a big problem. If the content of your existing site is letting you down in some way, the chances are that the content is no longer up to scratch.

Don’t put this off until the end of the project – start thinking now about how you’re going to produce the copy text. If the answer to these questions is no, you will need a web copywriter as well – we can provide this service if necessary.

  • Do you have the skills and resources available to carry out a content audit of your existing website?
  • Who will be responsible for generating content?
  • Can you provide any brand guidelines in the website?
  • Do you have any corporate images, photography or videos need to put on the site?
  • Can you provide your logo and corporate identity pack?

Technical requirements

You should outline any special technical requirements that your company might have:

  • Do you already own the domain?
  • Will you require hosting for the site?
  • Is the site is an intranet/extranet or internet site?
  • If it is an intranet, is it a Windows only environment or belonging to any other environment?
  • Are you designing it by using Windows server or a Linux server?
  • Is your site likely to be targeted to fulfil the special needs or requirements of the peoples?
  • Considering the analytics of existing website.

The ongoing maintenance of a website is an often overlooked aspect of the website design:

  • Who will be responsible for the on-going maintenance of the website?
  • Do you have the skills, resources and time maintain the website in-house?
  • What happens if that member of staff leaves the company?
  • Would you prefer to make an arrangement with the website design/ website development company for them to handle website maintenance?

You are investing your money for designing and developing in a new website, so you want customers to visit it. Now the following information defining the detail about the promotion of the website. An online business is similar to the traditional business, so it needs marketing.

Off-line promotion

A website should really be supported by an off-line strategy of promotion and advertising, perhaps consider including the following:

  • Postal mail shots.
  • Brochures and flyers.
  • PR exercises.
  • Sponsorship.
  • Vehicle wraps.
  • Print advertising with QR codes.

On-line promotion

The on-line promotion of a website is often overlooked when considering the website brief. The promotion of your website on the internet, both in terms of getting it on the search engines and also building links with other websites, is vitally important to the continued success of the site. For your online promotion you need to consider the following things:-

  • Building successful links.
  • Search engine optimization and submission.
  • Search engine paid listings.
  • Email marketing – commonly HTML emails that are branded in line with the website.
  • Social media optimization.
  • Banner advertising on related websites.

You should finish your website design brief with a short conclusion, outlining what you would like to receive back from the design agency. Don’t forget to include time scales and be realistic; a proper proposal can take a number of days to prepare. Good luck with your website design brief and don’t forget to include us on your list of companies to tender for the development work.