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Strategy & Consulting May 20, 2014

Building Your Business – Are You Making These Common Social Media Mistakes

Writen by Taeyaar Support

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A lot of businesses nowadays has turned to social media marketing as a mean to market their products and services. Unfortunately, some owners did not prepare themselves well and end up doing more harm than good to their businesses. So what are the most common social media mistakes? In this article we will be providing an overview and hope that it will be useful for you to bring changes to your marketing campaign.

No Clear Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes that owners make is that they jump into the social media bandwagon without any clear strategy. This is the ultimate recipe for disaster. Just as for your offline marketing you will need to have a proper marketing strategy in place so that you know what you want to achieve and how you want to do it. It is only in this way that you will know whether your social media marketing campaign is working or not.

No Interaction

Very often businesses use their social media profiles in order to provide information or notices to their followers. There is no interaction with the customers whereby the end users could have used the same profile to send complaints or suggestions to the companies. This is a big mistake as owners will be limiting the power of social media to gather marketing information that will allow them to customize their products and services to best serve their customers.

Lack Of Updates

You social media profiles should be updated with fresh content regularly. Don’t create a profile and leave it to rot there without any kind of updates. This is a no-no and customers very often will not want to follow these kind of pages. Worst some social media sites such as Facebook might tend to neglect your page update over time and your post reach will decrease. Always make sure that your content is fresh and engaging enough. Also make sure that you do not post too often which in the long-run can irritate users who may flagged your page as being spam.


As already explained above, you need to have a clear strategy for your marketing campaign. This is why it might be important that you have proper metrics in place to check out whether your social media campaign is effective or not. For example, if you are present on Facebook, you might want to master the Facebook page insights to get a better understanding of how your page is performing.