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Strategy & Consulting May 20, 2014

5 LinkedIn Hacks That Will Boost Sales

Writen by Taeyaar Support

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Being a social network for professional, LinkedIn has gradually involved to become a marketing tool for all kinds of businesses. So how do you increase sales of this special social network? In this article we will provide you some tips, which helps you to boost your sales.

Make the Most of Groups

There are plenty of groups that exist on LinkedIn for all kinds of people. It is important that you choose, the most active ones usually containing 300-1000 members and also where there is a lot of interaction. Choose the ones where you see a lot of questions and answers being posted about a given topic. This is the most interesting lead for your business.

Make Yourself an Expert

One advantage of LinkedIn is that it allows you to establish yourself as an expert in a given field. Make full use of the headlines to let people know about your knowledge and your expertise as this will be a foundation for trust. The best point is that these headlines are searchable by Google, ensuring you some additional traffic.

Professional Profile

An expert will naturally need to have a professional profile. Make sure that your profile is well detailed when it comes to your experience and skills. Make a list of all the features provided by LinkedIn such as a customized URL and insert all your other social media profile links such as Twitter within your profile. This will allow you to appear more credible.

Reach Out, Reach Out

It is also a good practice to email your LinkedIn contacts; so that you can establish a kind of relationship. Whenever, someone accepts you as a connection you might want to send a thank you email and also seize the opportunity to introduce yourself. Very often the other person will also reply back and this may allow you to find out who might be interested in your services and products.

Set Up a Proper Company Page

After having established yourself as an expert in a field, you might want to set up a proper company page to help your prospect to find out more about your products and services. You might want to post some high quality photos, videos and articles so that your prospects can learn more about your business. Just as with your profile page, just make sure that it looks as professional as possible.